The Great News Network

Heart of the Matter is an official channel on The Great News Network.

About The Great News

Religious Supplements for Seeking Souls

Religious supplements for seeking souls.

The Great News Network provides sincere and contextual knowledge of YAHAVA and His Word, bridging the gap left by failing religious institutions and faltering theological justifications. Our phrase ‘The Great News’ contrasts with ‘The Good News,’ emphasizing the end of the era of fear-driven coercion, punishment, law, religion, dogma, and authority.

Through meticulous research, we find that God allows individuals to freely pursue or not pursue Him. We offer this knowledge for your consideration and implementation on your personal journey. The Great News Network, a collaboration of organizations or “Channels,” caters to diverse needs, offering content from beginner deconstruction to advanced rebuilding. All materials aim to cultivate agape love in individuals and the world.

About Our Channels

The Great News Network is a unity of organizations, or “Channels”. Each channel offers content within a wide range of complexity. From beginner level deconstruction to advanced supportive rebuilding, The Great News Network can meet you where you are at to support your journey. All learning materials and content have been created with the intent to increase agape love in individuals and in the world.

About Heart of the Matter with Shawn McCraney

Heart of the Matter, a live television broadcast that boldly confronts the intersection of Mormonism and Biblical Christianity, originates from the heart of Mormonism itself – Salt Lake City. Between 2006 and 2021, Shawn McCraney, the host, shared both entertaining and insightful perspectives on the history and practices of Mormonism, as well as delving into the essence of being a Born-Again Christian.

Transitioning from live television to YouTube broadcasting in 2013, Shawn expanded the scope of Heart of the Matter. He explored topics beyond Mormonism, engaging with issues within Christianity and Evangelicalism on a broader scale.

Mark your calendars for May 7th, 2024, when Shawn will revive Heart of the Matter with a fresh approach titled “Heart of the Matter: Full Circle.” This live call-in show, airing on Tuesday evenings at 8 PM MT, is a dedicated pursuit to empower individuals with the liberating knowledge of The Great News. In the Full Circle Series, Shawn aims to expose institutions that constrain believers today while providing them with spiritual insights to stand independently with God.

Notably, Shawn is the author of works such as “I Was a Born-Again Mormon,” “Mormonism A-Z,” “Revelations on Revelation,” and “Don’t F**k With Jesus,” among dozens of other publications addressing contemporary religious issues. The website,, serves as an archive for Shawn’s content from 2006 to 2021. For select episodes no longer publicly accessible, you can find them in our online learning center called Christian Ultra Libertarians for Truth.